Play backgammon online against real players, friends and family. Play from anywhere on any device (laptop, tablet, mobile, desktop). Zero distractions play environment. We are ad-free since 2010. We rely solely on subscriber memberships.
Create your account linked to your email address.Your email address in kept in complete privacy. We never transmit, display or share your email address with anyone at the site or otherwise.Your newly registered account comes with a free-trial, giving you a chance to try out SimplyBG before purchasing an annual subscription. Already have an account? Log in
The most random dice rolls of any online backgammon site.We ensure total random dice by using a 3rd-party professional non-profit research organization that specializes in randomness.Our most serious players appreciate the extreme care that has been taken for the randomness of our dice rolls.And so for the randomness, we have chosen to let the professionals, the scientists of randomness, the experts, handle this for us. We use the True Random Number Services provided by why our commitment to ensuring random dice and all things random in our complete article Dice Integrity at
Features of the SimplyBG Online Backgammon Play is a premiere online backgammon play venue for the most serious players of the game. We provide a superb playing portal to manage your backgammon play. All players are welcome, experienced and beginners. At you choose your opponents. You can tag players as favorite. Making it easy to play family and friends. Check out all current and upcoming features of SimplyBG on the Features Page
Make use of the Member Dashboard to manage and keep track of Matches and Opponents.Example Play Statistics Page of the Member Dashboard.Open the Member Portal.
Getting connected with your friend is easy.Once you are logged-in, get or use a to connect with a family member or friend. Uses a simple 6-digit number to guide you and your friend to get connected in your first backagammon match. One of many ways to Find A Friend at the site.
Example Showing the Playboard on Kindle Table and Android.
No APP needed, nothing to download.SimplyBG is a Web-Application which means it is fully functional from anywhere without the need to download or install an app. SimplyBG works onall devices, including your mobile phone, tablet or desktop.
Supported devices include iPad, Microsoft Edge/Surface, Kindle Fire, iPhone, Android, laptop, Windows, Linux, Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and many others.
The oldest table game, Backgammon dates back to AD 476–491 known as Tabula. See our Rules of Backgammon page.
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