Sponsor Offered for Tournament Participant Tickets.
We are all here at SimplyBG.com to enjoy the game and company in good clean backgammon fun.

There are many publicly offered tournaments and they are a great to participate in.  

These tournaments will continue to be a core part of the SimplyBG site.  We want everyone to enjoy them.

The Tournament Participant Tickets are a good way to help keep the site operable by helping cover some of the costs associated with any online website.

We are committed to staying free of embedded ads at the site as these degrade the experience and take away from the game.

The last thing we want the tickets system to do it keep anyone from participating. Although the tickets are low priced, the burden of the extra cost may be a deterrent for some to join. 

Anyone who is unable to cover the costs for the Tournament Participant Tickets, please contact me using the contact form for support via a private sponsor. 

Thank you. Frank

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